Hitman is an action-adventure stealth video game in which players control a genetically-enhanced assassin called Agent 47 from a third-person perspective as he travels to various locations and carries out contracted assassinations of criminal targets across the globe.

Download Hitman 6 PS4. INFO : in hitman 6 ps4 Wear the suit of the ultimate assassin, you have the ability to blend into plain sight, kill with your bare hands and fashion a weapon from almost anything. You are Agent 47, the world’s most effective killer. For a game built upon the concept of slipping by unnoticed, Hitman: Absolution ps4 is Play the beginning of HITMAN for free and become the master assassin. The first location in the game is a secret training facility, where players step into the shoes of Agent 47 for the very first time and must learn what it takes to become an agent for the International Contract Agency. 《杀手6(Hitman 6)》近日推出免费DLC“假日囤积者”,其中包含了一个充满节日氛围的游戏关卡。这个关卡怎么过?下面就为大家带来玩家“andywongusa”提供的快速攻略视频,以供大家参考。 All the latest and hottest Hitman 6 news and rumors.

Hitman is a stealth video game series developed by the Danish company IO Interactive, previously published by Eidos Interactive and Square Enix.IO Interactive remained a subsidiary of Square Enix until 2017, when Square Enix started seeking buyers for the studio, IO Interactive completed a management buyout, regaining their independent status and retaining the rights for Hitman, in June 2017.

Hitman 6 PC Game Download Overview: The compelling action, suspense and masterminded strategy is no doubt is one of the best feature of Hitman 2016 game. Square Enix being the developers behind Hitman 6 PC game download have always the best taste in games. DLC will be released for the game to further even more improve.

HITMAN game details. HITMAN, also known as HITMAN 6, brings back Agent 47 our favorite genetically enhanced assassin who travels to many international locations and eliminating contracted targets.

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