If content was deleted from a site but still shows up in Google search results, the page description or cache might be outdated. To request a removal of outdated content: Go to the Remove outdated content page. Enter the URL (web address) of the page that has the outdated content you want to remove. Select Request removal.

Google removes app that helps smartphone users delete Jun 03, 2020 google play - How to remove application from app listings The one exception worth noting is that while you can't delete apps, the folks over at Google Play Developer Support are able to on their end if the app is both unpublished and has 0 lifetime installs. So if your app has 0 lifetime installs, you might be in luck. First you will need unpublish the app and wait 24 hours (to allow global stats to update and ensure that no last-minute installs How to delete Google search history and app activity Before this, you would have to manually delete the data in the Google app's settings section. Google collects data like search history and other interactions in Google services to improve and How to Stop Google Searches Appearing on Other Devices

Google Photos is the home for all your photos and videos, automatically organized and easy to share.

How to delete your search history and app activity from May 09, 2019 How to Clear Google App History on iPhone Dec 26, 2018

Close search. Google apps. Main menu. Account If you're no longer interested in using specific Google services, like Gmail or YouTube, you can sign in to your Google Account to delete them. You can even delete your entire account and all your data, like emails and photos.

May 01, 2019 · You can already use your Google Account to access simple on/off controls for Location History and Web & App Activity, and if you choose—to delete all or part of that data manually. In addition to these options, we’re announcing auto-delete controls that make it even easier to manage your data. 3. Erase Google Search History from Safari iPhone. 4. Permanently Delete Google Search History on iPhone. 1. Delete Google Searches in Activity on iPhone. To delete Google search history, you need to erase your activity saved in "My Activity". You can do it either on the Gmail app or the online official site. Selectively Clear Google Search