Hello, I am new to this forum. I'm a cybersec Student and i found some code from the internet i try to modify it and try to execute it but it end up giving 'socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known' Here is the CODE : import socket,

2018-11-3 · 首页 » 科技动态 » centos7 ping不通 name or service not known 科技动态 centos7 ping不通 name or service not known 博客园精华区 2018-11-03 生成海报 微信扫一扫,分享到朋友圈 0 最近打算为centos安装一个界面时,发现不能上网。ping www.baidu.com 报 Name or service not known · Issue #4 · aws-samples/aws [WARNING] 2018-01-18T16:02:22.665Z f5ff58dd-fc68-11e7-8aaf-910e87942b5f Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known [SOLVED] Name or service not known / Newbie Corner / …

pika URLParameters异常Name or service not …

pika URLParameters异常Name or service not … pika URLParameters异常Name or service not known pika URLParameters异常Name or service not known [TOC] 情况描述 使用python pika包连接mq服务器时, 使用amqp协议用URLParameters连接方式时异常, 错误为pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known, 但使用ConnectionParameters连接方式则无错误. hadoop启动时,报ssh: Could not resolve …

2016-12-16 · 求: 给你一棵所有节点为非负值的二叉搜索树,请你计算树中任意两节点的差的绝对值的最小值。 示例: 输入: 1 \ 3 / 2 输出: 1 解释: 最小绝对差为 1,其中 2 和 1 的差的绝对值为 1(或者

Re: ssh can't resolve hostname : Name or service not known The port is closed, either avahi isn't running or it's faulty or you're blocking the port w/ some iptables rule (at that time) As for the "it's rather an DNS query issue", compare the /etc/nsswitch.conf of the systems (ie. the one that fails to resolve the domain compared to those The ntp server ntpd does not synchronize with its peers anymore and the peers are specified by their host name in /etc/ntp.conf; The output of ntpq --peers lists IP numbers of the remote servers instead of their host names; Name resolution for the affected hosts works otherwise. Yes Rechard, it is happening only with sandbox in dev environment, not in Production. Also I have not changed any code in my dev environment. I am using authorizesause third party for django, and there are no changes in the library too. Synonyms for not known include unidentified, anonymous, unnamed, nameless, unknown, unfamiliar, incognito, mysterious, unmarked and innominate. Find more similar Symptoms. The ping command on a Plesk server fails with the next error: # ping example.com ping: example.com: Name or service not known. License installation fails with the following error: